This Butterfly Chroma Passion canvas drawstring bag radiates Lindsay's vibrant artwork! ⭐️ Stunningly practical and charming, it boasts lightweight yet durable fabric, dual canvas handles, an exterior zip pocket, and a hidden pocket surprise! 🤩 Carefully handcrafted with exactness, take it to the gym, to the beach, or out and about--it's sure to turn heads! 🌻
Crafted with resilient canvas and a polyester lining, it'll stay strong and stylish everywhere you go! 💥 Show off your striking custom-designed Canvas Drawstring Bag.
Made with durable canvas and a polyester lining, this piece is made to last!
- Drawstring rope straps
- Exterior side zip pocket
- Interior zip pocket
- Expertly printed, cut, and handmade, 2 week delivery
Size & Fit
- DIMENSIONS 15" (W) x 18" (H)
Material & Care
- Spot clean only
- Shell: 100% Polyester, Canvas
- Lining: 100% Polyester